Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Construction Craftwork as a Career, part 3 of 4 | Construction Citizen

History and Hope: Union versus Open Shop

Editor?s note:? In parts one and two of this series, Pat Kiley?s article Construction Craftwork as a Career has listed the ?brutal facts? of the current state of the commercial construction craft workforce and given an account of the history of the industry over the past fifty years from his personal perspective.? His series continues with an explanation of the decline of union shops with the rise of open shops in the Houston area.

Three things really sounded the death knell for the unions.? The first happened in 1980.? The National Building Trades Unions President, Robert Georgine, lead a successful effort to amend the 1976 ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) Laws and got the union pension funds, (into which contractors were contributing a defined, negotiated hourly contribution per covered worker), declared as ?Defined Benefit Pension Plans.?? This changed everything because it created an unfunded past service liability for each worker.? This became known as ?withdrawal liability.?? It meant that for a contractor to withdraw from the union and work in the same geographic area, he must pay his company?s pro-rata share of any unfunded past service liability.? The building trades? president felt this unfunded liability that would need to be paid, if the contractor were to withdraw, would lock contractors to the union.? Over time, it has had the exact opposite effect.? No new companies have gone near unions, and as these funds became fully funded through investment performance and trustee diligence, companies withdrew in droves.

The second was an accumulation of non-productive crew mix requirements.? For example, with the Operating Engineers Union, a light engineer, whose wage rate approached $20 per hour, was required to operate the man lift which involved merely pressing a button like you would on most regular elevators.? As one contractor said, after returning from a jobsite visit, ?When I got on the man lift and saw that guy sitting on a stool and pressing the button with a stick, I said that?s it; I am going to get away from these guys, no matter what I have to do!?? Many others felt that way too, and between 1984 and 1990, the Houston AGC (Associated General Contractors) bargaining unit dropped from over 95 companies that assigned their bargaining rights to less than 10.? (Houston AGC negotiates with the basic trades: Carpenters, Cement Masons, Ironworkers, Laborers, and Operating Engineers.)? This drop coincided with a precipitous plunge in the commercial market volume during those same years; however, the AGC bargaining unit remains less than 10 contractors today.? The National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) and Mechanical Contractors Association (MCA), representing the licensed trades, still have relatively good size bargaining units, although also down form their size in the 70s and 80s.

The third issue was owner generated.? It consisted of a productivity study of union construction initiated and paid for by the Business Round Table (today known as CURT, Construction Users Roundtable.)? This was an association of the bigger corporations ? many Houston area oil and chemical companies, the ship channel group, as well as those industrial plants along the coast belonged.? A portion of their research took place at the Dow Chemical plant in Freeport, Texas.? They found that that the union workers were productive about 50% of the hours they worked, with the combination of breaks, jurisdictional requirements, and disputes.? These owners began to look at the bigger ?open shop? contractors to build their plants: firms like BEK, Brown and Root, and Zachary.? Over the following years, the Building Trades Unions responded with wage cuts and elimination of many of the ?bad? requirements in their contracts, but their momentum was halted, and the building trades unions are all just a shadow of the size they used to be.

On the other hand, the Open Shop construction movement flourished from the late 70s on into the 90s.? Contractors who converted from operating under the union agreements could provide their services more economically through a less expensive crew mix and more realistic ratios of journeymen to helpers.? They could still maintain decent wages and a benefit package for their craft workers, most had some type of health insurance, and a few had some defined contribution (401K) pension plans.? Open shop contractors, particularly after the downturn of the mid to late 80s, had ex-union, formally trained, experienced journeyman craft workers.? They knew their trade and generally functioned as lead men, insuring daily productivity.? They also trained helpers to become journeyman while on the job.? Some formal open shop craft training programs were established by ABC (Associated Builders & Contractors) for both commercial and industrial trades.? Construction craft work remained a viable career option for young Americans.

However, the late 80s and early 90s saw the start of a real change that haunts us today.? Construction craft work as a career field began to be discouraged, first of all by parents who were construction craft workers themselves, and then by school guidance counselors.? Fathers did not want their sons to do the same work they did, a complete reversal of the tradition of generational trade succession, which prevailed from the earliest days.? Guidance counselors steered almost everyone toward college, toward computer science, toward anything but construction craft work.? So over the years a labor shortage of traditional craft workers developed, and the use of immigrant labor began to fill the gap.

There were other challenges that accelerated the use of the increasingly abundant immigrant labor.? Year after year, health care costs increased significantly.? Employers were forced to drop their plans or ask workers to pay a larger percentage of the premium.? That, in turn, caused many workers to drop their coverage.? The plans were not portable either, like the union system plans had been.? If a worker was laid off at one company, he often lost his coverage while he waited out eligibility at the new.? Immigrant workers were not as concerned about health care benefits.? They did not expect employers to provide it.? Over the past 25 years, immigrant workers have grown to where they now make up the greatest percentage of the workforce, particularly with the basic trades, as health care costs continue to skyrocket.? As a result, there are now few open shop craft workers with health care coverage.

Another issue developed with the continuity of formal open shop training programs, especially for commercial craft workers.? Commercial jobs have a shorter cycle than industrial; many jobs last only a few months.? If the current employer does not have another job for the craft worker who is in training, the worker is laid off, which typically stops his training, or he goes to another employer, who may not be willing to support his training.? As a result, most centralized, third party commercial training programs have failed, while the industrial training programs have been sustained.? (Longer cycle jobs and plant owner requirements make industrial training programs viable).? Commercial craft worker training is done today, if at all, through in-house programs by individual companies, or by a variation of the old-fashioned guild system, where an individual is ?apprenticed?, informally, to a journeyman.

Next week the series will conclude with History and Hope: Fifty Years Later C3 Gets It Right


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Go To Hellman: Library Connections to Open Access eBooks

Hurricane Sandy came through the other night and took away power for 90% of my New Jersey town. The one thing we miss, the one thing we ache for, is the connectedness we get from our devices. We're fine as long as we can keep our cell phones charged.

During my month-long tour telling people about, I've been challenging librarians to start thinking of themselves as connectors, not collectors. In an era of information abundance, library systems and processes that focus on managing an inventory of scarce resources are becoming less useful. The ability to connect a library user to the right information is becoming correspondingly more important.

Here's a crime scene we need to eradicate. A student comes into the library with a device, and asks for Moby Dick. It's been assigned reading, so all the print copies are checked out. Does the library have it as an ebook? Too often, there's no Moby Dick ebook listed in the library's catalog. The library depends on a commercial service to serve ebooks to its users, but the annotated ebook of Moby Dick that the library has licensed is checked-out. "Sorry, we don't have it" the student is told.

This should NEVER happen. Melville's Moby Dick: or The Whale belongs to all of us. Project Gutenberg has an excellent version, in formats that work on just about any device. But because it's free, no one has a monetary incentive to make that connection.

The barriers that libraries have put in place that prevent them from making use of open-access ebooks are mostly not intentional, but it will take some work to make them go away; it's something I've been working on since ?the September release of the unglued edition of Oral Literature in Africa. I've been talking to the library automation and ebook platform vendors, who I know from my years in the library technology business. Without exception, the people I've talked to are enthusiastic about supporting unglued and other open-access ebooks, but there are lots of barriers. Their systems have been hard-wired to assume that library ebooks will always have digital rights management, or can only be used one user at a time. These restrictions are incompatible with the Creative Commons license we're using for unglued ebooks.

There's not much awareness of the no-DRM provisions of Creative Commons licenses, but it's there, in section 4(a):

When You Distribute or Publicly Perform the Work, You may not impose any effective technological measures on the Work that restrict the ability of a recipient of the Work from You to exercise the rights granted to that recipient under the terms of the License.?
This clause also serves as a barrier to commercial use by people other than the rights holder, even for the licenses that allow commercial use. For example, the Kindle store automatically applies DRM, so unless you have permission from the rights holder, you can't sell someone else's Creative Commons licensed ebook in the Kindle store.

It will take some time and a lot of work, but eventually the library barriers to Open Access ebooks will fall. But until then libraries need to ask their vendors to give these changes a high priority. Libraries that are investigating new systems for ebook distribution need to add requirements in their RFPs for serving open access ebooks along side print and pretend-its-print books.

There are also barriers barriers preventing libraries from using these resources that are created by libraries themselves. Libraries have many processes and workflows surrounding resource acquisition, circulation, and evaluation that overlook the opportunity to serve users with free resources. While academic libraries have been thinking about ways to support open-access academic journals for years now, books are different. Book acquisition is often funded through approval plans and selection committees that don't consider the availability of free resources, no matter their quality. And if a library measures its performance using circulation numbers which don't include connections to free resources, then how often will then resources be supported?

Connections can occur in many ways. Today, I'm connected my laptop power at the library along with more than 254 other refugees deprived of power and internet by Sandy. I know it's more than 254 because my laptop couldn't get an IP address on the WiFi. So I went to the sushi bar/cafe down the street, connected to the wifi, and ordered a "Hurricane Roll". And clicked "publish".


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Languages for iPhone review

There is already a plethora of language translation dictionaries in the App Store, so what makes the new Languages for iPhone app by Tapity so special? It's fast, reliable, stored directly onto your iPhone, and straight-up gorgeous. Languages also includes a lot of user interface elements and gestures that makes using Languages very intuitive and easy to use.

Having information stored locally on your iPhone is very important for apps like this. You never know when you'll need to look up a translations, so the last thing you want is to have to rely on your carrier's network connection to give you access to your dictionary. That's why Jeremy Olson, the Founder of Tapity, made offline storage a priority.

While Languages is going to be a lifesaver for students and travelers, I really think the fact that it works offline makes it valuable to almost anyone, regardless of whether or not they actively need translation. 99 cents buys you the peace of mind that you'll never get stuck without reliable translation again.

Languages includes 12 different translation dictionaries consisting of 8 different languages. Here's a list of the included dictionaries that will appear on a nicely designed bookshelf.

  • Spanish -- English
  • German -- English
  • French -- English
  • Italian -- English
  • Dutch -- English
  • English -- Portuguese
  • Swedish -- English
  • French -- Italian
  • French -- Spanish
  • Dutch -- French
  • Dutch -- Italian
  • Spanish -- Dutch

When you first download Languages, only the Spanish/English and German/English dictionaries will be installed as a way to limit the size of the app. You can download any of the other dictionaries at your leisure at no additional cost.

In dictionary mode, the words will be listed in alphabetical order. To jump to a section of the dictionary, tap and hold on the alphabet on the right. The letters will magnify around your finger and highlight the letter you're actually on. The visuals for this is really cool and makes it look like the alphabet wraps around your finger. When you settle on a letter, a second column will appear that alphabetizes a list of the first two letters of words included with your chosen letter. This streamlines your search and minimizes scrolling.

In the toolbar at the top of the dictionary, you'll find a search bar, a button that takes you back to your bookshelf, and a flag button that switches between primary languages. And because Tapity is a fan of gestures, even ones that are "just for fun", you can also pinch to close your dictionary and watch in animate back onto the shelf.

Dictionary mode is a great and all, but even with the enhanced alphabet scrolling, it still isn't ideal for looking up words in rapid succession. That's where Languages search mode comes in, and a quick swipe to the right gets you there. The curser will automatically jump to the search bar and a keyboard slides up. This is great for iPhone 5 users with small hands because it eliminates the needs to reach to the top of the screen to tap the search bar, especially when one-handed.

As you type the word, you'll get instant results. Words that are from your primary language will appear on the left and point to its translation on the right, and matches from the secondary language will appear on the right and point to its translation on the left. To clear the word and star over, a quick swipe to the right will delete the search field and bring the keyboard back up.

The good

  • Dictionaries are offline
  • Includes 12 languages
  • Gorgeous and intuitive interface
  • Time-saving gestures
  • Tap a word to copy it or jump to that word's dictionary entry
  • Fast
  • Great price

The bad

  • Limited phrases
  • Lacks verb conjugations (coming soon)
  • No pronunciation (coming soon)

The bottom line

Languages is a gorgeous translation dictionary that will be a great companion for anyone who is learning another language or even those who are fluent in multiple languages but need to look up vocabulary from time to time. From the moment you start using Languages, you know that a lot of work, heart, and soul was poured into it and this is what sets it apart from similar apps. And at just $0.99 for 12 dictionaries, Languages is quite a steal.

$0.99 - Download Now


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Thursday, October 25, 2012

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Gene polymorphisms identified that are responsible for breast density and cancer risk

ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2012) ? It has long been known that breast density, or mammographic density, is a strong risk factor for breast cancer, and that estrogen and progestin hormone therapy increases dense breast tissue. Now, a study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Breast Cancer Research has identified several gene variants in hormone metabolism and growth factor pathways that may be associated with breast density and, hence, breast cancer risk.

Mammographic density relates to the fact that x-rays permeate different types of breast tissue in different ways, leading to white areas on the mammogram. Fatty tissue appears on the mammogram as relatively translucent, whereas dense breast tissue contains more stromal tissue and epithelial cells, appearing as white areas. Women with a breast density of 75% or more have a 4-5 times higher risk of developing breast cancer than women of the same age with little or no density.

Controversy exists over why breast density is a cancer risk. Many studies suggest that density is at least partially inherited, and twin studies show that genetic factors do play a role in the variation observed. Breast density decreases naturally with older age and menopause, but also increases with hormone therapy. Merete Ellingjord-Dale and co-authors, from academic centers in Norway and Los Angeles, set out to investigate which genes could play a role in determining breast density. Because of the clear involvement of hormones, they were looking particularly for genes involved in hormone metabolism.

Using data from 2,036 women who participated in the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program in 2004, and separating the participants into hormone therapy users and non-users, the authors found that different gene variants appeared to be important depending on the women's hormone therapy usage.

There was evidence to suggest that variants in the prolactin (PRL) gene were associated with breast density in users of estrogen and progestin, as well as norethisterone acetate (a common regimen in Nordic countries). In non-users of hormone therapy, variants in the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and SULT1A1/2 genes were significantly associated with breast density.

The findings suggest that several genes in hormone metabolism and growth factor pathways are indeed implicated in determining breast density, and might increase breast cancer risk. Commenting on the findings, lead author, Merete Ellingjord-Dale said, "One reason it has been so difficult to pinpoint which genes are responsible for mammographic density is that the effect of some genetic variants may be amplified in combination with hormone therapy. Consequently in the presence of hormone therapy these genes cause increased density."

She continued, "It is important to consider both the genetic and non-genetic factors simultaneously. Exploring the functional role of gene variants associated with mammographic density could further clarify the biological mechanisms involved. "

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BioMed Central Limited.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Merete Ellingjord-Dale, Eunjung Lee, Elisabeth Couto, Ali Ozhand, Samera A Qureshi, Solveig Hofvind, David J Van Den Berg, Lars A Akslen, Tom Grotmol and Giske Ursin. Polymorphisms in hormone metabolism and growth factor genes and mammographic density in Norwegian postmenopausal hormone therapy users and non-users. Breast Cancer Research, 2012 (in press) [link]

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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University applications rise

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Source: --- Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Applications by English students to UK universities have risen slightly this year, official figures show. Related Stories Manchester Metropolitan: 'Bullying' University bans world-renowned professor who spoke out Cambridge to set new maths A-levels ...


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

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Home Remodeling 101 - Read Through This Before Beginning ...

Redesigning assignments is capable of doing much more than make your residence more pleasing. They could boost the value of your expenditure, create your house a lot more vitality-effective, and increase the high quality as well. In this post we shall discuss some of the best redecorating tasks along with guidelines on how to complete them included.

If you reside within an more mature property which has flaws inside the roof surface area, it is possible to camouflage them with the correct lighting decision. Prevent lights that deluge the ceiling surface area with gentle, rather, picking recessed can lights or very low-holding pendant-style lighting fixtures. These types of lighting effects will not direct lighting over the ceiling, which assists in hiding ripples, bulges or patched breaks.

Always keep dishes of fresh fruits on the dining-room table and kitchen counters. Utilize an elaborate intestinal and fill it up with bananas, pre-rinsed apples, oranges, even grapes. Not only can the dishes of fruit include elegance to your property they are straight away when you want that quick treat.

When searching for someone that will help you with renovations, do your research. This will be significant since you do not want an novice or unskilled particular person caring for your house. Ask around for the good employee from loved ones or go online and check out evaluations on residence contractors in the area.

Generally spend some time. Unless it?s a crisis, like a leaking roof or flooded basement, plan in advance of any venture at least three months out. Spend much more time to avoid wasting cash by shopping around. Analysis what needs to be completed and what supplies are suggested so you will have a prepare plus a list when you are able to get started.

About the uncommon probability that you just find h2o leaky from within the sink or from within the faucet, usually do not attempt to correct the leak on your own. Basically catch any seeping h2o by using a compartment big enough to hold any extra water for a period of time as well as contact a domestic plumbing skilled.

Upgrade your thermostat into an automated version designed to regulate temperatures based on occupancy to create a cozy enhancement to your property. These easy to install thermometers enable you to set up the temperatures differently each day according to desire and occupancy. For example, you are able to lessen the heating in the daytime once the home is empty or outside temperature ranges raise.

While searching for resources and concepts for your home advancement project, take a look at the home improvement catalogues and magazines. They feature numerous excellent ideas and appears for jobs throughout the house and present recommendations on who materials the materials to perform the task. These are wonderful resources for coloration schemes and furnishings too.

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Monday, October 22, 2012

Control employee cellphone use?an accident waiting to happen ...

by Dean A. LeDoux, Esq., Gray Plant Mooty, Minneapolis

businessman talking on phone while drivingMore and more employees use cellphones and smartphones to get their work done, something many employers encourage in the name of greater efficiency and better employee responsiveness.

But there?s a downside?significant safety and financial risks created by employees who use mobile devices while driving.

Employer liability issue

For more than a decade, many employers have had employment policies addressing appropriate employee cellphone use. However, the explosive rise of smartphones and greater use of text messaging has vastly increased the number of automobile accidents attributed to drivers? use of mobile technology.

Numerous media reports have trumpeted the increase of ?distracted driving? car crashes caused by cellphone use. A recent article in the Washington Post noted multimillion-dollar jury awards against employers in accidents involving death or serious injury, ...(register to read more)

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Match Your GeneaNet Family Tree - Genealogy Blog - GeneaNet

You can now automatically match your family tree with the complete GeneaNet database. This new feature will automatically search for new ancestros in your family tree.

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Obama to take campaign to 'Tonight Show' Wednesday (The Arizona Republic)

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Monday, October 15, 2012

ADHD Awareness Week: Tips for the Home | ADHD from A to Zo?

It?s ADHD Awareness Week. In honor of the occasion, I thought I?d tackle a different topic each day this week.

Feng Shui for ADHD

Today, we?ll kick off by looking at how we can apply the ancient principles of Feng Shui (pronounced Fung Sh way) (I think) to our ADHD lives.

Having recently bought a house, I was curious to learn more about Feng Shui as I set up my new home. Besides, I?m always rearranging my furniture out of sheer boredom anyway, so I figured, why not?

When I consulted The Practical Encyclopedia of Feng Shui by Gill Hale (2002) I learned that Feng Shui has to do with energy flow and directing attention. Perfect! If I can just find the right place to put my couch and my indoor lawn gnomes, maybe I can give up the Concerta. You never know.

(Disappointingly, I found no reference whatsoever to help me determine where to put my lawn gnomes over the winter months.)

My Chi runneth amok

According to Hale?s book, the purpose of Feng Shui is to get Chi (life force) to flow gently though the house. Does that sound like your home? No? Me neither.

I?m sure my mom would have loved to have found a way to get my life force to stop from racing up and down the hall, sliding on the hardwood, and smashing into the opposite wall with a thud all afternoon. Maybe if she?d known about Feng Shui, I wouldn?t have spent so much time in my room, which doesn?t seem very Feng Shui-y to me.

So here for the benefit of you and your family, after painstakingly skimming through Hale?s book I?ve adapted a few of the principles to suit an ADHD lifestyle.

Feng Shui: new rules

Traditional Feng Shui Rule: Place furniture so chi flows around room
ADHD Adaptation: My Chi is already flowing in far too many directions at once; I?d suggest furniture placement to trap scattered, uncontrolled energy to put to good use.

Traditional: Straight path from street to house moves Chi too quickly, doesn?t allow enough time for transition
ADHD Adaptation: We need way longer for transitions than others. Create a winding path, but not too winding or you?ll get lost. Maybe get your kids to set up a lemonade or hot dog stand mid-way in case you need a snack on the way.

Traditional: Use small stones (dreamstones) in the garden to induce contemplation
ADHD Adaptation: Avoid if you?re already the dreamy type and hope to get the yard work done

Traditional: In a sitting room, use a round table to ensure that the conversation doesn?t get too serious
ADHD Adaptation: The only way I?d be doing that is if I put a divan right beside the table so I can go to sleep during the non-serious talk. Wake me up when the chit-chat?s over.

Traditional: Put a photo of your loved ones in the place designated as the ?relationship? area of a room
ADHD Adaptation: Don?t use a digital photo display with ever-changing images of your past loves; this will definitely confuse your romance Chi and not bode well for the longevity of marriage number three

That should get you started.

If all else fails, thankfully, there is one sacred guiding principle in complete alignment with traditional Feng Shui: get rid of clutter!

Sadly, there is no philosophy or energy-moving system that will make that onerous, but necessary task, any easier. If only.


Follow ChickADD44 on Twitter

????Last reviewed: 15 Oct 2012

APA Reference
Kessler, Z. (2012). ADHD Awareness Week: Tips for the Home. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 16, 2012, from



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Talking Point: Defensive coordinator will run show while coach Jerry Kill recovers

A daily nugget involving the University of Wisconsin football team and its next opponent.?The Badgers face Minnesota at 11 a.m. Saturday at Camp Randall Stadium.

Given Minnesota coach Jerry Kill?s history of seizures ? he suffered another and was hospitalized Saturday following a 21-13 Big Ten Conference loss to Northwestern ? a well-orchestrated contingency plan is in place. Defensive coordinator Tracy Claeys will handle media obligations as well as the team meeting and subsequent practices as long as needed. It?s not clear when Kill will be cleared to return to his regular schedule.


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